Thursday, August 27, 2009

DAY 18 - Butte - Pattengill CG

After an extremely hot and busy day in Butte yesterday, we awoke this morn to the sound of light rain on the tent.
It did not come to much but threatened to all day.
We were up and away quite quickly this morning with the first 20km on sealed road. We did a fairly firm climb before hitting the dirt. At 30km we did our 6th Continental Divide crossing. The climb had been very gradual and quite enjoyable. We celebrated with lunch hiding behind a toilet to avoid the strong, cool wind.
From there we had a fairly long descent to a point where a decision was to be made.
Actually the decision had been made for us by a good intentioning advise giver in Butte. He had done the route a couple of years before on a tandem and suggested that we not do a particular section which has a bad (good for some) reputation.
So we headed off on the detour into a fairly steady, straight in ya face, head wind for 14km. After that we turned and had a great side/tail wind all the way to Wise River (town), 20km away. This section of road followed the Wise River, a beautiful river famously known for it's fly fishing, and there certainly were one or two people fishing on that river!
We stopped at the local store to get a drink and some chippies before hitting the last 16km of the day.
With 4km to go the thunder started and the heavens opened, but only for a few minutes. It was a race to the nights campsite, which we won (just).
As we pulled into the CG we noticed another couple of guys on bikes camping there also. Their names are Ben and Patrick and they hail from Louisiana. Good southern boys.
We had a quick chat then went and put our tent and tarp up, and cooked some dinner. We took our after dinner hot drinks down to have a yarn we the boys before hitting the sack.


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