Thursday, August 27, 2009

DAY 19 - Short Day????

We had a slower start this morning as we were having a short "easy" day today.
Well the distance was easy, but surprise surprise, there was a little climbing to be done too.
Not a lot to tell about the ride, just that the amount of climbing surprised us once again!
Our day end's destination was close to a Hot Springs which we fully intended to make use of. We got to the CG, set up then did some laundry as it was a glorious day.
We then walked up to Elkhorn Hot Springs. As we get close Ben and Patrick were riding down from sussing out the HS's. We suggested we share the campsite and they went off to set up while we went and soaked.
Imagine Hanmer Springs if you will. These are not like that at all!!! They need some love and attention, to say the least. But hey, we ain't complaining, we got in for half price as one of the pools was being cleaned and we got to listen to the subtle sounds of a water blaster. We did have the pool to ourselves though.
After leaving the pools suitable tired we hit the "restaurant" which opened at 3pm. We were there at 3.01pm and in need of food. The "chef" had told us that he was bummed to be at work has he had been enjoying crushing "pop" cans at home in the sun. Interesting fella?
As we left for camp the boys arrived to soak.
We wandered back to camp and actually had a relaxing couple of hours reading and dozing.
Cooked dinner and the boys finally arrived back after their soak and a meal. We stood around the camp fire whilst asking them all about life in Louisiana and the States in general. Great guys and a cool night of laughs.

AVERAGE: 16.1kph
RIDE TIME: 2.17hrs
ASCEND: 540m

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