Sunday, August 23, 2009

DAY 17 - Pat and Ed ROCK

Both of us struggled to get up this morning, our sleeping bags were super comfy this morning, and it was supposed be be an easy, short day. Yesterday had taken it's toll as we both felt tired.
We got away earlish and enjoyed 10km of flat gravel road before a short sharp wake up, then more flat all along an old railway bed.
We went through the first tunnel of our trip which was built in 1911. It was kinda cool, in fact as you entered it the temperature change was amazing. By the way, it was hot again!
After another couple of short but steep wee climbs we ended up on a paved road that ran parallel with an Interstate. We followed this for about 16km before joining the Interstate to cross the Continental Divide for the fifth time then zoomed downhill all the way to Butte.
On yesterdays rough and steep section Scott managed to break his helmet in half. We had both taken our lids off as it was so hot and as we were pushing rather than riding. At one stage Scot dropped his bike and the helmet was between the ground and the heavily laden bike. With no scull in it to provide support it broke!!!! Stuff, bugger, etc.
This section also finished off Scott's suspension fork (Matt Tait if you are reading this you will not be surprised) finally died. It had been slowly happening but this section finished it off - not just Jo and Scott.
So this is quite a problem as it is an old school fork using older measurements and rim brakes rather than disc which are the standard now. The other problem is that today is Saturday. First bike shop we stopped at (owned and run by Levi Leipheimer's brother) could not help but suggested anther shop. On our way there we found the only campground in town (and our most expensive yet), booked in, put up tent and dumped gear. Onto the next shop. He also could not help us BUT he phoned a customer who apparently collects bike bits, and does some home wrenching.
While we waited for the customer to turn up we went downstairs in the bikeshop to their Coffee Roastery!!!!! Had a great chat with Ed's wife who is the roaster. Very interesting stuff.
Pat turned up with a bucket full of forks but none were really that suitable so we followed him home where we found a fork that would work. Pat is the MAN. We had the new fork on in no time (well, kind of in no time) while his friend and his son, and Pat's wife and daughter entertained Jo!!!
Pat would not let me pay for the fork or even buy him beer. We have however organised a little something for him as a thank you.
Pat, thank you so so much for getting us out of trouble!
We finally let Pat get on with his day and we went and got food and a new helmet!
Butte is a very interesting town, so much so it is a designated Nation Historical Place. A population of about 35000, built on a rich and colourful history of mining. In fact the whole backdrop to the town is an opencast mine. Not that pretty. Apparently famous for it's Cornish Pasties, which we didn't get a chance to try but the Subway is awesome.
We had hoped to actually spend a little time checking the town out but fixing bikes got in the way, Sorry Butte!

ASCEND: 400m

Off into the wilderness for a couple of days. Will check in when we can.


Anonymous said...

Hi guys'
Good to hear all is well and raining only every other day.
How are the bums feeling? And the biking suntans going?
Great reading,
Take care Vinnie

Anonymous said...

Jo and Scott,
Thanks so much for the deal at the bike shop! It was unnecessary, but very much appreciated. I have an order of "bits and pieces" coming in this week and that will help a lot! I look forward to reading more about your trip. Bike on!

Anonymous said...

Awesome journey so far!!!! Great following your trip. look forward to the next installment.
Love from Big "little" Sister
Heather xxxxxxxxxx

charlotte said...

Jo you'd be proud of me, I walked to Mr Su's at break. Day was beautiful. Spring is a springing here in Ch.Ch.
What's with all the breakages Scotty? Make sure it isn't bones!
You guys rock.
Sending more good luck your way.
(the couch potato)

Anonymous said...

Here's my column in regard to our meeting.
Bike on!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, am enjoying my daily "lunchtime read", following your exploits. Am even more envious of your holiday as the Burn approaches and I am NOT THERE this year :-( Am getting itchy feet, but sold my tix so no last minute change of mind. Will now hit googlemaps and see exactly where you are!
Take care, Meg