Wednesday, October 7, 2009

DAY 59 - Bumpy day into the Black Canyon

Woke today to pea soup fog after a really good nights sleep for everyone.
We knew today was going to be a big day so we headed off as early as we could.
The elevation profile for today had alot of climbing involved so we got mentally prepared, it actually started very easily as we headed to the Beaverhead work center where we knew there should be water - water is very few & far at the moment being in the desert state.
Upon arriving at the work center not only did we find water but a coke vending machine also - cold cokes all round.
When we arrived there was somebody already there filling water container on the back of his truck - his name was Keith & he was from Texas, & is a hunting guide who lives for 3mths of the year in the area, helping people hunt.
We decided to have a an early lunch & get the tents dried as the day was now now sunny & hot - not to mention windy again!
Back on the road we headed for our nights designated campsite - Back Canyon.
The next 40km were the hilly ones & combined with the head winds we limped into camp late , tired & hungry.
One of the hardest & saddest things about today's ride was that there was potentially nice down hill sections also but the road going down was so rutted with wash boards & loose gravel - you could not just coast & enjoy the view, you actually had to concentrate while it felt like your bike was about to fall apart.
Once again during the afternoon we meet some trail angles along the way who actually passed us all going up one of the hills, they must have felt sorry for us as they stopped gave us food & even cold beer.
The campsite tonight had a lovely fresh steam running next to it so we had enough water to heat & sponge bath with tonight - 1st wash in 3 days, it was nice not to have sticky legs in the sleeping bag for a change.
Tonight we all enjoyed a early night as we were all quite tired, so we just ate dinner & went to bed!

DISTANCE: 73.02km
AVERAGE: 14.3km
RIDE TIME: 5.06hrs
ASCEND: 925mtrs

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