Wednesday, October 7, 2009

DAY 58 - The Elk Bugle's

After saying our good byes today to our new friends Travis & Ryan we headed out..
Bruce left early today as there is a call for rain & even maybe snow for the next few days so he & Sue wanted to get a big day in as Sue was worried about driving her car along the roads if they got really muddy.
The 1st 10km was a really nice downhill (such a good start to the day) then we had a really nice gravel road for the next 40km which we managed to do by 12pm.
With only 20km left in the day we had a nice leisurely lunch in the sun before heading into the 2nd half of the day.
We had 2 divide crossings after lunch but the climbs were hardly worth mentioning & then we had a lovely downhill.
When we got to our designated campsite for the night it was only 2pm so we decided we would carry on for another 10km (+ another divide crossing) as we are in National Forest & you are allowed to free camp anywhere in National forests over here, plus another 10km today means 10km less tomorrow which we all thought was a good idea since today riding was so pleasent.
Chris was having having trouble with his sore knee so we found a nice wee spot just off the road & chilled out for the rest of the afternoon.
When we arrived at camp we could hear the bugle of Elk - thinkiing it was probably just hunters up in the hill behind us - but it continued for the next few hoursgetting louder so we went investigating & found a herd of elk resting amoung some trees 200mtrs from camp - that was very cool indeed, although they ran off as soon as they got smell of us.
The burgling lasted most of the night & even the coyotes came close to camp at 1 stage.
We were camped close to a water hole so we think they were heading for a drink.
This campsite turned out to be 1 of our favouriteson the trip as we were in the middle of nowhere.
Scott is now becoming quite the campfire expert & we had a really good campfire & just sat around till very late (8:30pm) chatting about life & watching the full moon rise up into the sky.

DISTANCE: 81.39km
AVERAGE: 18.1km
RIDE TIME: 4.29hrs
ASCEND: 525mtrs

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