Sunday, September 13, 2009

DAY 37 - The mighty Colorado river

After a great nights sleep we headed away - saying good bye to Alan as we has decided to leave the route for a few days to head to a place called Leadville to try & bag a 14er(for those who are not up with outdoor lingo he is going to go hike up a 14oooft mountain!).
Hope to catch up again with Alan later on the Route.
The morning was quite chilly 4'c when we headed off, the mornings are definitely getting cooler here as Fall approaches & the nights are getting darker earlier, when we arrived it was not dark till nearly 10pm now it is well dark by 8 - boo!
We had an undulating 1st 15km to start the day, passing by many hunters campsites along the way, one in particular had a young guy sitting out the front who spoke to both of us as we went by & neither of us had any idea what he actually said - but just agreed - ha
He then caught up to us on his ATV about 30mins later & stopped for a chat - eek, we still do not really know what we chatted about as neither of us could understand him properly, we are sure it was english he was speaking - just a small town banjo english!!
Today the guide book told us we had 1 of the biggest downhills on the route descending 2000 feet in just a few miles & they weren't wrong, that was a nice way to finish the morning stopping in a small place called Radium, a picnic area on the Colorado river.
Just before the descent we
After lunch we had a lovely scenic 3km steepish climb followed by another climb of 6km to Whiteshed divide, although the climbing was quite steady the scenery was great - going up through a canyon.
This part of the Colorado river must be an extremely popular white water kayaking & rafting spot as nearly every car that passed up has either boats or rafts on there roofs or trailers.
After reaching the top we then has a nice descent for 10km to a town called Kremmling.

We have parked ourselves up for the night at an RV park & showered which felt great as the last 2 days have been very dusty & we felt caked in dust!
One thing we have observed when we have been staying in RV parks is how lazy people are... we have seen people drive there cars from there RV's to the toilets & tonight we watched a lady drive her car from her RV to the laundry to check on her washing - it is unbelievable!! this RV park we are in tonight only has 45 sites so it is not very big!!
It makes you feel that all you try to do to save the planet you might as well not bother when people can't even walk 100mtrs to get somewhere!

DISTANCE: 69.9km
RIDE TIME: 4.58hrs
ASCEND: 1085mtrs


Anonymous said...

Double-Boohh for the lazy bastards!!!

Anonymous said...

So you guys doing the 14er after or before a lap of the Leadville 100? Keep it up - Justin