Sunday, September 13, 2009

DAY 36 - Easier than expected - Like that!!

After leaving Steamboat Springs with very fully tummies (thanks to the complementary breakfast) we headed off down the road, the 1st 25km were nice undulating relativity flat sealed road through farm land, obviously a very popular road cycling route as we were passed by many road cyclist.
We hit gravel & were riding by a beautiful river when we both mentioned to each other that we bet our new friend Alan won't be able to resist stopping for a fishing somewhere along here & just around the next corner there was his bike & trailer parked up against a tree & Alan was in the river fishing.
Unfortunately for him the fish were not biting so he decided to carry on with us for another 6km to a lovely dammed lake where we found a nice spot by the lake side in the sun to eat lunch together.
The guide book told us that we had a steady 6.5km climb ahead followed by another 12km climb to reach Lynx pass & the campground we were planning on stopping at for the night. The 6.5km climb was surprising gradual & passed without any issues, we then had a stunning 10km ride through beautiful trees & farmland, we crossed a stream & the 12km climb started but to our surprise it was not exactly the climb we had expected, 9km felt relatively flat with only a 3km steady climb to the top of the pass so the day was surprising easier than we had though.
We arrived at the campsite & it was quite full of hunters apparently it is Elk hunting season at the moment but you are only allowed to shoot them with musket loading guns? & it costs $US450 dollars for a permit to hunt if you are not a Colorado resident - That is alot of $$ to try & shoot something & no guarantees that you will!
So nearly everyone in the campsite but us was dressed in full head to toe camo outfits (they sure do love their Camo outfits over here) driving around & around the campsite on their 4 wheeled ATV's (it seems these are a must have also to go on the back of your Dodge Ram Truck or Ford F350)
Alan arrived 15mins after we had got there & decided to camp with us for the night so we all just chilled out for the evening around the great campfire that was built by Scott & Alan.

DISTANCE: 63.7km
AVERAGE: 14.8km
RIDE TIME: 4.17hrs
ASCEND: 900mtrs

Dany & Elmar: Thanks for the email, plsed to hear you have been out on the road bikes - D keep it up it will become easier - promise.
You will also be plsed to hear we have Nutella back in our food pannier - phew!

Doris & Darryn: Thanks for your email - sounds like you guys had a great time in Melbourne.
will be sure to mail some more postcards your way for the new cork board...

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