Friday, September 11, 2009

DAY 35 - An easier day

We had a sleep in this morning, nice.
Everyone was a little slow except Alan who still managed to get up early and do a spot of fishing, with no luck so no trout for breakie.
We hit the road about 10.15am and went straight to a small shop for a cold drink and to call a bike shop in Steamboat Springs to book our faithful steads in for some TLC. The shop looked like it was about to close down as it's selection of everything was pitiful!
We road a nice gravel road section for about 20km to get to a small village (well, a shop and a school) called Clark where we stopped for lunch. Yummy Quesadillas. Just as we finished our lunch Alan pulled in. We left him there having some lunch too as we rode onto Steamboat Springs.
Beautiful ride for a lot of the way next to a lovely river.
We arrived into town and decided after talking to a very helpful girl at the Information center that we would get a motel. We booked in and as always seems to happen, our panniers exploded.
A few chores done after a fantastic shower.
We had organised to meet the others and went out for pizza and beer. This might be the last we see of the boys as they are hanging around in Steamboat for a few days as they are shipping in their girlies for a weekend of fun ;-)
Hit the sack very early and crashed.

DISTANCE: 55.7km
AVERAGE: 18.5km
ASCEND: 300mtrs

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