Friday, September 11, 2009

DAY 34 - Tough day at the office

After a great nights sleep, waking through the night to hear the Coyotes, and twice to the sound of rain which came to nothing, we got up earlyish. Packed and ready to go by 8.15am, possibly a new record, we left the others to start on another big day. Little did we realise at that time how big the day would be.
It took us nearly two hours to reach the campground we were supposed to get to the night before so we were extremely relieved that we had stopped early. The road was not too bad but it continued to climb. That along with yesterdays wind would have really finished us all off I think.
The other three caught us after a wee while and we all rode loosely together throughout the rest of the day. Some getting ahead at times or stopping to fish at others.
We had all decided to push on to Steamboat Lake for the night, stopping at Columbine near the end of the day for a cold drink.
We stopped and took photos and videos at one stage through a great stand of Aspen trees which was beautiful. Then we stopped at a ranger station to fill water bottles before enjoying a great downhill run of about 20km. This was all paved and fantastic riding!! We stopped at the next turn and enjoyed lunch.
The next 50km turned into a test of attrition! After the first 10kms of "up"-dulating we started to climb, and climb and you guessed it, climb.
Jo and I were lucky enough to see a Red Fox before we started the climbing so know that we were not hallucinating about seeing it.
The climb was mostly steady but with plenty of steep sections to really break you.
EVERYONE was suffering and dreaming of a cold beverage at Columbine.
I won't go one about the climb, just be sure it was tough. Much tougher than expected.
Jo and I were bringing up the rear at this stage and when we arrived at Columbine we both had a feeling that the shop might be shut, and shut it was. Some choice words were heard. Luckily the others had been seen about to break the door down by a couple, Shelia and Doug and old dog "Happy", who kindly offered water and a bit of food. What a pair of champions.
The mood change in everybody after that show of kindness and a bit of cool water and food was amazing.
We all cruised the final 7km of the day to the campsite at Steamboat Lake. What a relief! It was late, about 7.30pm when we arrived and there was no shop to be seen. After we had been there a few minutes a couple wandered by and asked about our trip etc. and told us where the shop was. They left and we decided that there would be an "unloaded" mission for beers. No longer had that decision been made when the couple came back and offered to take someone to the store in there truck. Hallelujah!!
The Louisiana boys were gone in a flash and arrived back with snacks, cokes and BEER!!!
A great night was had telling stories, sharing food ideas, enjoying a fire and introducing everyone to Salmonella Dub, Tiki, Minuit and Flight of the Conchords.
Sleep came very easily when we finally hit the hay at about 11pm!!!!!
BTW, Columbine is not the famous Columbine although it was close to being a crime scene today.

DISTANCE: 100.2km
AVERAGE: 14.8km
RIDE TIME: 6.45hrs
ASCEND: 1445mtrs

1 comment:

heather said...

Sounds like you had a good time!!!