Monday, September 7, 2009

DAY 26 - Another day another state - Wyoming

Awaking during the night to a thunder & lightening storm we finally awoke to heavy rain on the tent once again.
We were slow emerging from the tent as the thought of riding in rain was not inspiring us..
Scott got up to see if there was any otter action in the stream - nope! we had been told that a family of otters lived across the river & that they were most active in the morning. (maybe the rain was keeping them in bed too?)
We started out on sealed road for 15km heading straight into blackness! The view of the Tetons was not visible this morning.
As we headed into Idaho we had been climbing on a gravel road for sometime gradually, we stopped for lunch at the boarder of Idaho & Wyoming.
After lunch we had a bit more climbing to do before descending for the final 20km into Flagg Ranch.
Flagg Ranch is a massive lodge that sits in between both Yellowstone & Teton National Parks, they didn't seem too keen on having smelly cyclist enquiring about camping! we were sent to the campground quite quickly as we did not seem to fit the image.
The campground was our most expensive yet $27USD ouch..
We did however get free showers which were lovely.
If on;y we knew with all the road works that was happening ahead & that we would have gotten a ride in the pilot truck up the hill we would have continued to the next cheaper campground about 25km away!

DISTANCE: 76.52km
RIDE TIME: 5.06hrs
AVERAGE: 14.9km
ASCEND: 890mtrs

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