Monday, August 31, 2009

DAY 25 - Rail Trail

Well after saying goodbye to our new family we headed off.
Another flat day riding was ahead, but what we have discovered is that even if the book & maps say flat - it does not always mean easy riding....
We traveled for 50km along an old rail track which had been covered in soft volcanic sand so the riding was rather slow in places as the wheels sank & slid!
The riding was however quite nice & we are not really complaining.
We had been promised a tunnel but when we arrived it was shut & we had to go around it instead, the last 10km we followed the warm River which was absolutely stunning scenery.
We arrived at the Warm River campground where the guide book suggested spending the night & it was a really pretty setting, we need food for the next 4 days so we had to push on to a town called Ashton to again restock the panniers.
Ashton is 16km from the campground & 10km off route, but we made it to town, have done some shopping & have been sitting in a cafe eating & blogging (free WiFi - gotta love it!) .
We are about to sign off & head back to the Warm River campground for the night.

By the way we are world famous in Butte as pat who helped Scott fix his bike mentioned us in his newspaper column - even putting our blog site in for people to check out - see link?

hello anyone from Butte reading this...

Mothers - Pls note we will be out of range for probably the next 4-5days so pls don't be worried if you don't hear from us in a while..
that goes for you too Brenda! :-)

Mum - don't call Brenda & be worried... ha

Hope everyone is well, Dany & Elmar - we can't get Nutella in the small towns - devastated! we have had to buy jam (Boysenberry incase you were wondering)!

Now we have some questions for people - pls see below & answer if your name appears (don't be offended if it doesn't)

SMASH: Where are you - we enjoyed your comments on the 1st few posts

ANDY & ANDREA (& Howie): How you have been enjoying the Van?? Remember it needs to be driven..

BRENDA & RICHARD: Have you made use of the Van? Have you booked your tickets to Raro yet?

DARYL & VIC: Are you alive? Would love to hear from you & the Boys.

HEATHER: Thank you for your comment, pls answer the question from yesterdays post re: Paul & Cutting?

DANY & ELMAR: Hope you have been out on the road bikes?

NICOLE & MIKE: How is everything going being shacked up in the valley together? Hope you have been for walks as recommended on my welcome letter?
How is the Millie Puss - we miss her, hope she does not love you more than she loves us?
can you start showing her a picture of us everyday so she remembers us? ha

C4 CREW: How are you? Hope you are all well?

DAVE & BETH: How is the puppy training going?
Scott has just read an interesting article about SAR dogs in Yosemite NP - We will bring it home for you to read.

ANDRE & TARA: Thanks for the Dog updates, Andre you need to come & ride this route on your motorbike - lots of people do & you would love it.

THAT-MAN-WHO CREW: Missing you all.... hope you still remember me.
Simon - thanks for the comment - how was China?
John A - How are the hints for the new pack GT going?

DORIS: Hope you are getting lots of people playing Badminton? Love to Darryn also

DISTANCE: 83.5km
RIDE TIME: 4.53hrs
ASCEND: 235mtrs


Unknown said...

Alive, we're alive!! Sorry for the lack of comment, have been reading your blog lots though! Loving it, sounds awesome, beautiful and amazing and a little hard at times! Reckon it's do-able with 2 kiddies?! How are the tan line going? Vic and her boys.x

Anonymous said...

Dom Brown here! Sounds great - call me and we'll hook up in between where you are and Salt Lake..... 801 580 0910

Unknown said...

Hi guys,
love reading the adventure as it's about as close as I'll ever get! visited the girls on the weekend - both were happy with their cuddles. Although I think H more than Roxy. H had a lovely lean and bum rub!
x T :-)

Anonymous said...

S & J,

Couldn't match your stamina! Set off in a rush and peaked too early, but after a bit of a rest am plodding along well in the distance.

Well actually been busy getting ready for trip North - not that I am planning anything more energetic than lifting glasses of alcoholic substance between mouthfuls of Pommie homebaking. However, still taking the gear since I expect a day or two of rest to be sufficient. I'm bound to get twitchy.

I must say you are displaying all the classic symptons (mental block on the spelling) of long time, long distance biking. Thoughts of food. This will become a real focus - better than thinking how far it is to the end since the next food stop is usually much nearer! Maybe you've latched onto to something already like Nutella!! You'll be amazed how the simple things in life feel incredibly good like a warmish shower and dry warm sleeping bag at the end of a really rough day. Plus food. Stopping for lunches and snacks in superb locations.

Anyway to get away from food for a moment (just a moment)you've already landed on your feet once, which made you famous in Butte - thought you may have gone viral then, but not too many of your followers are blogging yet.

No matter what is thrown at you (with the possible exception of a big furry thing with cubs attached!) it is amazing how you will battle through. You would have thought your bikes were ridulously heavy at onset, but now you will barely notice them except on the uphills, rough bits (hopefully that does not comprise the majority of your riding) and on your rest days (you probably prefer to walk on your rest days!). Blueberry jam - that should be worth a try. In fact you may be wishing you had packed in a few more luxuries - well maybe not!!

Keep healthy, pedalling, eating, drinking, sleeping, blogging, photographing, enjoying etc. In fact just keep 'ing.

Am enjoying the ride.


Heather said...

Similar but different!! Team Penning requires you to seperate # cows with the same colour neck ribbons from a herd of 30. You are not allowed more than 5 cows of any colour over the line at any one time. It is a time trial to get the 3 cows penned whilst keeping all the other cows back. There is a team of three riders. Confused yet!!!! Keep having fun and keep smiling!!!!
PS Our name is Flett!!!!~ Has been for 37 years.Lol.

Matt said...

Jo and Scott, was relaxing on the couch and thought I wonder when you guys set off, well obviously it was a few weeks ago. I have had a quick read and will make some time to catch up. Looks like you are having a great time. Jo take it easy on the skinny old bloke, don't break him. Cheers Matt

Simon said...

Hi Guys, nice spring weekend here, even braved the frost to head out at 7 for a ride!!!
China was good Jo but very hot 40degress some days, food was great :-)
Managers training this week and cranking into spring
