Monday, August 31, 2009

DAY 24 - Rest day - Family Outing to Yellowstone Park

Sleep in - ahhhh how lovely that was...

We were all ready & rearing to go on the family outing to Yellowstone by 10:30 as planned.
In the truck & off we went mum, dad & the 3 kids... ha
The park was everything we expected & more, we saw Elk, Buffalo & Wolves in the distance & dancing together (could not see Kevin Costner through the binoculars).
Ron was a great tour guide taking us to all the top spots however he was disappointed we ran out of time to go all the way to Mammoth hot springs.
We were more than happy with how much we saw & learnt with our great hosts.
Old faithful was faithful & performed for us right on time (for those who don't know what this is, it is a Geyser that blows every 40ish minutes - google it)
we were more fascinated by the 1/4mile circle of people waiting to cheer the Geyser when it blew!! classic! we were not disappointed.

On the way to Yellowstone Falls we had a traffic jam with 2 Buffalo just wondering down the middle of the road - totally unaware or just did not care of the amount of cars they were holding up (and people complain about cyclists!!) lucky for us they were going the opp direction & were kind enough to be walking on the correct side of the road , they walked passed our car so close I could have reached out the window & touched them I did not however as when entering the park you are given a special flyer warning you that Buffalo are very dangerous & do not approach - Duh! (although you can see how people do as they look so placid)
Yellowstone falls were beautiful & I can see why they are called the 'Grand Canyon' of Yellowstone.

We headed home & stopped for a family dinner at West Yellowstone town - thanks Mark again for shouting - that was very naughty of you!
Once we arrived back at the campground mum (Jean) made was Chocolate sundaes - yum!

What a great rest day we had off.
Scott in particular enjoyed questioning Ron on all sorts of topics to do with life in the US of A.
By the way Ron is a state government representative, we were left with the impression he is not Obama's #1 fan - I bet they are not friends on face book that is for sure.... ha
A huge thanks to Ron, Jean & Mark for there amazing hospitality & we would love to return the favour one day (Mark hope you in NZ 1 day soon)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi guys,
Just wanted to say a quick "hey." I'm really enjoying following your blog. You're keener than I would be!
Sounds like great fun though :)
Nomes from Zeroes