Monday, August 31, 2009

DAY 23 - Good Bye Montana - Hello Idaho

We knew we had a divide crossing this morning so we tried our best to get up & away early to beat the heat...
But a lovely couple who had arrived late the night before came over for a chat, the time passed very quickly talking to them about life in Montana & there time living in France that it was 11am before we hit the road, the divide crossing however was over before Jo realised it, she commented to Scott at the top "Is that it? & I hope the rest are this easy!!"
Cresting the divide we left Montana & entered Idaho.
Another 10km along the road we came across a cowboy cutting event (where they have to separate 1 cow from the herd & keep it out for an amount of time - is this what you do Paul Fleet??)
We were both so impressed with the skill of the horses as they twisted & turned blocking the cows from returning from the herd & were impressed with how the cowboys stayed on the horses!!
We pulled up & went & watched for a while feeling very out of place in our Lycra get ups whilst everyone else were in Blue jeans, Checkered shirts, Massive belt buckles, Cowboy boots & Hats..
After leaving we had another small climb before turning off the road & onto a snowmobile track which we followed for about 12km. we were both blown away by the height of the orange track markers to show where the road is when there is snow - they would have been about 12ft high!!

This track dropped us into a small service town which was about 6km from the campsite for the night so once again we stocked up with food & because it was Friday we even shouted ourselves a 'Giant' can of beer each (about 1ltr) - It amazes us that you can buy beer in service stations singly...
We ate like kings tonight with re fried bean burritos with lettuce & sour cream & our beers + we had bought a huge plastic container of strawberries for dessert (they are so cheap over here!)
Just after arriving & setting up camp at Big Spring campground we meet a guy called Mark who was there also for the weekend with his parents to do a bit of fishing.
He was a local to the area so we quizzed him as to where would be the best place to rent a car as we were thinking since we are so close to Yellowstone park it would be a shame to not go see it & we had read in other peoples blogs that they rented a car to drive around for a day or 2.
Later that arvo Mark came back to tell us that he had contacted a friend in the town we were asking about & that there was no car rentals available, but that him & his parents were heading to Yellowstone for a visit on sat & we would be welcome to ride along with them of we liked? They were off fishing & told us to have a think & come over to there campsite (there Tin Tee pee as they called it) at dusk when they are back & let them know what we wanted to do.
So we arrived just as they were lightening the campfire, we took our strawberries over (Good old kiwi's - always need to take something over to offer) meet Marks Mum & dad Ron & Jean, they made us feel so very welcome - Jean even made us banana splits using our strawberries which we ate around the campfire.
We decide we would join the family outing to Yellowstone the next day.
We did not stay late sitting around the campfire was they wanted to go fishing in the morning before we headed away on the family outing...

DISTANCE: 54.6km
RIDE TIME: 3.12hours
ASCENT: 345mtrs

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