Saturday, September 19, 2009

Hi from an interesting little "town", Sargents.
Today we left Salida with a 36km climb ahead of us! As it turns out the climb was pretty easy as it was on another old railroad. The ride up to Marshall Pass was beautiful as we wound our way through Aspen and Pine trees.
We reached the top of the pass (3305m) after about 4hours and headed down towards dark clouds. After stopping several times along the way to take photos and videos our weather "luck' ran out, it started to rain, then hail. It had cooled down loads and we all put on vests, then wind jackets, then waterproofs!
We pushed on past the books recommended campsite to the town of Sargents.
As we pulled in Scott noticed some Teepee's so we have booked ourselves into a teepee for the night! It comes complete with a gas fire and fairy lights, oh so authentic!!
For tonight Scott is to be known as Chief Grey-fox
We are riding with Alan which is a real pleasure.
Catch up in a couple of days.

1 comment:

Matt said...

You guys must be having a cracking good time. Scott with all that food and riding are your legs building up?
I am enjoying reading your adventure. I have just started 4 weeks annual leave so very relaxed at the moment.
