Sunday, September 27, 2009

DAY 51 - Going to Cuba

We found out today that Ghost Ranch, where we camped last night, was the location for a couple of movies, City Slickers and parts of Indiana Jones (latest i think?) That's cool. It was also where Georgia O'Keeffe (American artist, famous for provocative flower paintings??) had a home and spent a lot of time painting.
We left earlyish as we had a big day planned, about 100km.
All pavement today so we thought it would be a relatively quick day, wrong! We ended up doing lots of "rollers" and climbed over 1000m. Was nice and warm though and the scenery was quite nice. The few little "towns" we went through were, shall we say, a little run down and a bit depressing. having said that everyone is super friendly and wave constantly when driving past.
We are definitely in a new State now. Not only has the landscape changed but also the faces that we are seeing. It is very Hispanic here with lots of Mexican" looking" people and constant Spanish town and feature names etc. Very Catholic too with little shrines to the Virgin Mary and plenty of Churches.
Tonight we are in Cuba, not the country, but a small town. We got in late and found that they do not have a campground so we are in a cheap motel.
The other day riding into Del Norte we had our minds on Subway, today it was McDonalds!! It wasn't such a surprise today though as we had been told there was one in town and that is what got us craving McD's. There chips really are the best thing at the end of a long hot day!!!
Off into an area without internet access for the next couple of days.
Hope everyone is well? Please post comments as it is always great to hear from people :-)

DISTANCE: 100.1km
AVERAGE: 17.4km
RIDE TIME: 5.55hrs
ASCEND: 1075mtrs


Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,

still following your route in the atlas, feels like ridig ourselfs,
good workout but the diet is really questionable, reminds me of the good, old, dark times pre-Dany. If you cross the Rio Grande, you could do me a favour, please have a silent minute in memory of the Duke, because "a man has to do what a man has to do!!"

Riding the road bike to work is good fun, quick und painfull for my neck, this trial leads to a simple conclusion: I'm a pussy and will go back to the comfortable mountain bike.
Cheers Elmar

4 seasons in one day, sounds familiar to me.
But nothing which can shock a real Kiwi.
Love reading your blog. Thanks for bringing your adventures to our boring evenings.
Enjoy Dany

Anonymous said...

Love reading the blog. I feel like I have been on the adventure with you... but with out the hard work (thankfully). Can't believe your biking through your last state! Enjoy all the super sized meals while you can.

See you soon

Anonymous said...

Hi Jo & Scott,

I've finally made it round to finding your blog, way overdue I know! But reading it all from Day 1 was a pleasant distraction from work last Friday and I'll make sure I visit every day now. The trip looks fantastic and I'm very envious! I'm loving all the photos and hearing about your fun, keep it up :-)

Darren Leslie