Saturday, September 26, 2009

DAY 50 - Echos and Ghosts

It was nice to not wake up to a frozen tent this morning!!
After getting organised we hit the road for a leisurely 80km road ride towards Abiquiu Dam.
We are now in New Mexico, supposedly our last state. We are currently looking at changing the finish point so we are closer to Tuscon, Arizona which is where we fly out to LA from. We think we will leave the GDMBR at Silver City and head more Southwest to a boarder town Douglas in Arizona.
Anyway, I digress, back to today. We are travelling by paved road today to get back on route. it is amazing how much quicker you can ride on sealed road.
Not long after leaving town we spotted paddocks full of Prairie Dogs. Cute little gofer type mammals. We stopped and took a couple of photos and carried on.
About ten minutes after lunch we passed a farmer riding around on his quad bike with a rifle shooting the cute little Prairie Dogs!!!! Apparently farmers don't think they are so cute??
We stopped on our way to check out Echo Amphitheatre. This is a huge natural rock ampitheatre on the side of the road. We went in not really knowing what to expect. We are definitely in New Mexico now. The rocks are very sheer and really colourful. We had fun calling out and listening to the echos.
We are at a place called Ghost Ranch tonight which is a pretty cool spot surrounded by awesome red cliffs and rocks.
Off to a town called Cuba tomorrow.
Catch up soon, S and J

DISTANCE: 79.9km
AVERAGE: 20.1km
RIDE TIME: 3.58hrs

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