Thursday, September 24, 2009

DAY 48 - Change of plans #2

Thought we would open the tent to snow on the ground today - but no, just a very hard frost!!
While we were cooking breakfast snow flakes again started falling but did not settle.
We headed out of camp about 9am & started straight into a 6km climb to Stunner pass, at the top the sun was out & the sky was blue, but the day was still very cold.
We headed down to a town called Platoro where we stopped at the shop for some morning tea, got chatting to the owners there & they showed us photo's of the snow they get during the winter - incredible! Snow up past the gutters of the buildings.
After leaving town we headed on for another 37km to the next town of Horca, we stopped here for a drink, we had decided to head to Charma for the night.
Back in Del Norte while flicking through a magazine we found out there is a Steam train that runs from Antonito to Charma which we all said would be a fun thing to do, so while having our drinks in Horca we decided instead of riding to Charma we would ride to Antonito (same distance as to Charma) & have a rest day tomorrow while riding the Steam train to Charma.
So we managed to book our spots on the train & we headed to the closest RV park to Antonito which is were we are tonight.
Tomorrow we ride.... toot toot

DISTANCE: 76.7km
AVERAGE: 17.7kph
RIDE TIME: 4.18.20hrs
ASCEND: 465m


Anonymous said...

Hi Jo and Scott- fascinating blog. Ive recommended it to lots of people. Glad the bears havent tasted you yet.
cheers- cathy

Anonymous said...

Guys,thanks for saving my Friday afternoon with your blog...what a sleepy day with this cold & wet Chch weather. But reading about you crazy people paddling up a steep mountain against stong winds and snow I feel better immediately :-) Good on you for getting yourself a treat and enjoying 'modern' means of transport.
Enjoy the tootoot ride!