Thursday, September 24, 2009

DAY 46 - Dreaming of Subway

Woke this morning to a very wet & now frozen tent.
We knew we had a very short riding day - mainly downhill to Del Norte so we were not in to much of a hurry to leave. Also the very cold temperature made it hard to leave!
Del Norte had a population of 1,900 people so we decided there must be a Subway & that is where we were heading for lunch!!
After about 20km of downhill riding through yet another amazing canyon we hit a gravel road all the way to Del Norte.
The wind had picked up & we had a very strong wind for the last 5km into town.
Hooray - the town did have Subway so we ordered a foot long each, chips, drink & a cookie - delicious.
We then booked ourselves into the local RV park, showered & did some laundry.
The weather was very windy & we had been warned that there was a cold front coming through & snow is expected.
About 4:30pm hunger pains hit us again so we headed into town to a cafe for a 'snack' & to have a discussion as to what we will do if we can't ride Indiana pass tomorrow. (Indiana Pass being our highest pass at nearly 12,000 ft)
After leaving the cafe we headed to the supermarket - the wind was getting very cold & the temperature had dropped to about 5'c.
After leaving the supermarket the weather was bitter - the wind felt like there was definitely snow close by so we decided to check with the only motel in town to see if we could get a deal on a room, it turns out we could, so we booked in - went back to the campsite, packed up & made a bee line to the motel (even got our $$ back from the RV park!)

AVERAGE: 16.9kph
RIDE TIME: 3.11hrs
ASCEND: 105m

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